In this episode I power up and test my Commodore 2040 disk drive - the earliest example of an IEEE-488 double disk drive I own.


00:00 Intro
00:40 Outside inspection
03:03 Internal inspection, pre power-on
13:34 First power-on
17:52 Connecting to a PET
23:17 Ghost of Christmas future
24:50 I have now R the FM
26:21 It verks!
33:04 Wrap-up and Merry Christmas!

While I cleaned the heads, cleaned and reseated a bunch of connectors, and lubed one of the drive mechanisms, I don’t think any of this was necessary. Once I understood that the 2040 has CBM DOS v1 installed, and that you need to initial a disk after inserting, before using it - everything worked swimmingly. The command to initialize the drive is OPEN1,8,15,”I0”:CLOSE1 (use I1 for drive 1).

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