The program in this post presents two similar approaches for manipulating text within a terminal in Rust - moving around the terminal to overwrite was has been written already. The two approaches are labelled in the code as direct and indirect:

  • The direct approach uses ANSI VT100 codes directly within print!() statements to move around the terminal.

  • The indirect approach uses the ansi-escapes crate.

In both cases we have to implement the backspace character (which you’d printf with a “\b” in C) ourselves.

use ansi_escapes::*;

const ESC: char = 27u8 as char;
const BACKSPACE: char = 8u8 as char;

fn up() -> String {
    format!("{}[A", ESC)

fn erase() -> String {
    format!("{}[2K", ESC)

fn direct() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    print!("{}{}", up(), erase());
    print!("Hello, me!");
    print!("{}{}{}", BACKSPACE, BACKSPACE, BACKSPACE);

fn backspace(num: i32) -> String {
    (0..num).map(|_| BACKSPACE).collect()

fn indirect() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    print!("{}{}", CursorUp(1), EraseLine);
    print!("Hello, me!");
    print!("{}", backspace(3));

fn main() {

You’ll need this in your Cargo.toml [dependencies] section:

ansi-escapes = "0.1.0"

The ansi-escapes crate has various other function such as

  • Beep
  • ClearScreen
  • CursorHide.
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