An ESP8266 NonOS SDK linux build container for x86-64 and the raspberry pi
I have created an ESP8266 build container, for both x86-64 and ARM architecture machines, including the raspberry pi. The multi-architecture container is available here.
This has support for
V3.0 of the Espressif SDK (version tag 3.0.0)
V2.2.0, the latest (at the time of writing) V2 SDK (version tag 2.2.0).
It is built on top of Ubuntu 18.04 for x86-64 and Raspbian Jesse for the pi.
Run the container like this:
docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build -h esp8266-build \
-v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \
docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build -h esp8266-build \
-v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \
If you want to access a USB port (to enable flashing to an ESP8266 device) from within the container add a device argument like this:
--device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build-usb -h esp8266-build0-usb \
--device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 \
-v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \
The SDK is available at /home/esp/esp-open-sdk/ and the code directory you provide will be under /home/esp/builds/. When the container starts it prints out the supported SDK version like this:
SDK Version 3.0.0
The Dockerfile and instructions to build these containers and the manifest which supports multiple architectures is on github.
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