I installed a privately hosted of gitlab back in 2017, using what was presumably latest at the time - version 9.0.5-ce.0. I decided to upgrade it today. It’s not a trivial exercise - so I’ve documented here.

Essentially you need to upgrade in stages, removing your old gitlab-ce container and then moving up to the last version in that major series, followed by the first in the next, and so on. In my case I was on 9.0.5 so this meant I had to go through these versions:

  • 9.0.5-ce.0 # Started with this
  • 9.5.10-ce.0
  • 10.0.0-ce.0
  • 10.8.7-ce.0
  • 11.0.0-ce.0
  • 11.11.8-ce.0
  • 12.0.0-ce.0
  • 12.10.14-ce.0
  • 13.0.0-ce.0
  • 13.12.15-ce.0
  • 14.0.0-ce.0
  • 14.0.12-ce.0 # Went to here - note to go higher requires 14.1.X as the next step

See this link - the X.0.0 steps may not be necessary

First - Create a backup

Before anything else, take a backup of your current instance. To do this on version 9, assuming your container is called gitlab, run the following:

docker exec -t gitlab gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create

This will create a file in your gitlab data/backups directory called something like this:


Also, backup your config/gitlab-secrets.json somewhere.

If you need to restore start up a new gitlab container of the version you started with (in my case 9.0.5-ce.0), put the files you backed up in the location where the gitlab container will look for them, and then run:

docker exec -ti gitlab gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1641713400_2022_01_09_gitlab_backup.tar

You’ll probably get asked if it’s OK to overwrite the existing (blank) database - choose yes if you’re happy this is the right thing to do!

Get the images

Not necessary to do this as a separate step, but speeds up the subsequent upgrade process:

docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:9.0.5-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:9.5.10-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:10.0.0-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:10.8.7-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:11.0.0-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:11.11.8-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:12.0.0-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:12.10.14-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:13.0.0-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:13.12.15-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:14.0.0-ce.0
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:14.0.12-ce.0 # version I decided to go with

Now do the upgrade

To upgrade to a new version there are 4 steps:

  • Stop the current container and waiting for it to shutdown
  • Delete it
  • Start a container with the next version in the process
  • Monitor the logs, checking it succeeds
  • Run some manual checks to ensure you can log in and your repos are still there

I wrote the following script to automate the first 4 steps above. It takes the version to upgrade to as the only CLI arg. You will need to change the variables as appropriate for your instance.

set -e

if [ -z $VERSION ]
        echo "Usage $0 <version>"

echo Updating gitlab to $VERSION
echo "- First stop old container"
docker stop gitlab
echo "- Now remove old container"
docker rm gitlab
echo "- Now start new container"
docker run -d --hostname $HOSTNAME --env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url 'http://$HOSTNAME/'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = $GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_PORT; gitlab_rails['backup_keep_time'] = 604800;" -p $HTTPS_PORT:443 -p $HTTP_PORT:80 -p $SSH_PORT:22 --name $CONTAINER_NAME --restart always -v $CONFIG_DIR:/etc/gitlab -v $LOG_DIR:/var/log/gitlab -v $DATA_DIR:/var/opt/gitlab gitlab/gitlab-ce:$VERSION
echo "- Tail new container's logs - Ctrl-C once update complete"
docker logs -f $CONTAINER_NAME

Save this script off (e.g. to update_one_version.sh) and then go through upgrading a step at a time as follows:

./update_one_version.sh 9.5.10-ce.0

One the container images are downloaded the process takes an hour or so - probably depends on the size of your database (repos).

I had one glitch, upgrading to 12.10.14-ce.0, hitting this error:

    Execution of the command `/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -s /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket INFO` failed with a non-zero exit code (1)
    stderr: Could not connect to Redis at /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket: No such file or directory

However, the container restarted (as it was configured to do) and then came up successfully.

Finishing up

You may want to prune your docker install once you’ve finished - getting rid of unnecessary images:

docker system prune
docker image prune -a
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